
  • includes all components of Account Management & Development (AM&D)

  • accommodates any type & size of Supplier, regardless of start point/AM&D level

  • provides a practical working process for immediate use

  • provides the structure & content for in-house training

  • defines the role, responsibilities & selection of Account Manager

  • assembles all components of the success-critical Account File

  • defines the secrets of Relationship Management

  • qualifying sales opportunities

  • performing SWOT Analyses

  • creating/maintaining Balanced Scorecards

  • ·preparing/running Client Satisfaction Surveys

  • reviewing account performance

  • applying practical Risk Management on a continual basis


  • makes whole AM&D process easy to understand

  • enables implementation of complete AM&D process from scratch or significant improvements to existing AM&D process

  • consistency across all Clients & Prospects

  • quick, easy & smooth implementation, phased if required

  • Suppliers take control from the outset

  • no external costs regarding consultants, training courses, software or books

  • the 'Golden Rules' & consistent best practice throughout enable Suppliers & Clients to go from strength to strength, together

  • maximise revenue & profit

  • build long term business relationships

  • neutralise the Competition

  • maximise Client satisfaction

  • improve morale, confidence & business position

  • achieve dramatic sustainable improvements

“designed to deliver outstanding Account Management & Development performance while building robust business relationships with increasing integrity”

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300 revealed on this Website

1200 more available for purchase


maximising the probability of success for you, your company and your clients, everyday, everywhere

‘ASPIRE’ (How To Manage Any Client) ™
Account Management & Development
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