

Manner, Dress & Personal Care

Priorities & Practice

Dangers & Pitfalls

Essential Module Cross Reference

Total checks & tips: 127

Revealed Here: 27

Choosing/appointing an Account Manager will be one of the most important decisions ever made by a Supplier. If the person doesn't fit the bill and/or screws up it could cost your Company millions of pounds.

Account Managers are the face of your Company when it comes to dealing with Clients and third parties. They need to be very visible at the Client site and regarded as an ally to all (Client, third parties & anyone representing your own Company).

As well as being key players for both your own Company and the Client, Account Managers must also be a supporter & promoter of the Client when discussions take place within their own organisation.

For Account Managers themselves, the single most important thing is to understand the Client's culture. It is crucial to demonstrate this understanding as early as possible and at every level of Client contact; Account Managers must engage with the culture and ‘speak the speak' as and when appropriate. As soon as this begins, the Account Manager's standing in the Client environment will increase significantly.

Account Managers must also socialise with the Client, third parties and everyone who represents their own Company. Socialising is frequently the source of very useful information which you wouldn't otherwise obtain and can provide invaluable background to unexplained situations encountered in the workplace.

Although the Account Manager may not be dedicated or even have that title, the Account Management process must still be followed.

Because a significant amount of the Account Manager's time is spent on the Client interface, certain other modules are also very relevant as they are so closely related and overlap in some areas. Therefore, The Client (3.2), Client Contact Management (6.1), Relationship Management (6.2), Personal Appearance & Manner (6.3), Personal Conduct & Practice (6.4), Generic Client Interface (6.5) and Personal Performance & Objectives (6.6) should also be read in conjunction with this module. As a consequence, there will inevitably be some duplication.

ASPIRE’s checks and tips are comprehensive and relate to Account Managers operating in large Supplier organisations. Account Managers who represent small and medium sized businesses will need reduced subsets as appropriate.

So, never compromise when selecting an Account Manager otherwise it will cost your Company dearly.

A sample of checks and tips is given below and a further 100 are provided when the module is purchased.


  • Team Player, Co-operative, Supportive, Approachable

  • Energy, Drive, Confident, Assertive, Authority

  • Personable, Cheerful, Outgoing, Presence, Sociable

    11 more available


  • Comprehensive understanding of all contractual terms & conditions, service level agreements, etc.

  • Comprehensive understanding of the Client's business, financial performance, market & Competitors

  • Comprehensive knowledge of your Company's sales propositions, products, all capabilities and financial performance

  • Ensure that all risk management practices & procedures are continually adhered to by everyone concerned

  • Ensure your Company's senior management meet the right level of Client management at the appropriate frequency

  • Regularly test colleagues' knowledge of current contracts & commitments, sales propositions & products and Client business operation, performance & culture

  • Initiate Client Satisfaction Surveys & create Improvement Action Plans

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Manner, Dress & Personal Care

  • Confident with an air of authority but never appear arrogant [look at yourself through other people’s eyes]

  • No top designer clothes or cars

  • Watch & follow others, particularly those more senior (eg when jackets/ties come off, shirt sleeves rolled up, etc.- you must never stand out)

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Priorities & Practice


  • Approach every new Client as if it's going to be a long term business relationship even if the initial contract is short term or small.

  • Strive to maintain a high profile and encourage an atmosphere of openness. Act as a facilitator/enabler wherever possible and let Client contact(s) know who else you are seeing in the organisation.


  • Identify mission statements, strategies, goals & targets of both the Client and your own organisation - know these off by heart. It will be so impressive to draw on these when talking to the Client or your own boss.

  • Find out key dates/events in the Client company's calendar - sales conference, dress down days, Christmas lunch/party, etc.


  • You will enhance your reputation by getting across your understanding of your Client’s market, business, problems, challenges, culture, etc. (look for opportunities to do this).

‘One Team’

  • Arrange weekly & monthly 'Team' Meetings (at the end of the working day) for information/progress updates and people-bonding. Going out afterwards & socialising together as ‘one team’ should almost be regarded as mandatory (your continuous fact-finding mission regarding the Client, work and personal stuff will now be so much easier).

  • Strive for Client secondees, consultants and contractors to be involved in extracurricular activities wherever possible/appropriate (staff/team meetings, entertaining, celebrating, etc.). However, your own Company’s commercial & financial confidentiality policies may be restrictive. This can be a difficult one to call sometimes as you want everyone to be a committed component of the 'Team' (equality, going that extra mile, etc.) but you must also consider confidentiality and where people's loyalties really lie, etc.


  • Influence the selection of the most appropriate individuals to work for your Client. In addition to a good skill/technical fit, individuals must also fit with the Client's culture. If you have any doubts about an individual fitting in they probably won't, so don't use them - they'll be enough risks to deal with as it is!


  • For presentations, tricky meetings and difficult discussions you must rehearse, rehearse, rehearse. Always have your Company's presentation to hand and be ready to give it at short notice.

  • Ensure there is quality in all that is done but not necessarily 'top' quality as the Client may feel it's paying for something which isn't necessary/required (inc. deliverables, briefings, presentations, handouts & proposals).

  • As you increase your knowledge of your Client’s business be proactive in making suggestions/recommendations for improvements. How can you make things easier for your Client contact(s), improve efficiency, etc.? Depending on the extent of your Company’s involvement, you may not charge for this but don’t be afraid to ask for payment if it’s justified and you don’t really benefit (directly/indirectly) by giving a 'freebie'.

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Dangers & Pitfalls

  • Account Managers must be fully empowered to take responsibility for their crucially important role.

  • Office parties, celebrations, Client social events, etc. are all minefields. However, you must attend these events whenever possible as you need to be seen to participate but be very careful on these informal occasions not to let your guard down. The time and effort you invest will be very worthwhile as you'll pick up invaluable information about the Client's business & people as well as striking up new business relationships.

  • Although there will be times when certain Client individuals seem not to like you or are difficult (for good reason or not, they may just resent your Company being there), it's vital that you treat them exactly the same as others who you do get on with. Never behave or act any differently. Not only will some of your dissenters eventually come around, some may even confide in you, ask your opinion, etc. - and you could then become privy to some very useful information. Some of these people may eventually respect you and become totally trusting.

  • Any problems/issues must be nipped in the bud, remove problem people who represent your Company and initiate plans to deal with any problem Client staff/managers as appropriate.

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Essential Module Cross Reference

Another 100 checks & tips available for purchase


‘ASPIRE’ (How To Manage Any Client) ™
Account Management & Development
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