As the new business world continues to take shape after Covid we speculate different scenarios as to what might eventually be. However, we already know that the pool of Clients and Prospects is smaller and that winning new business is much harder and more competitive. 

Hence the need to work with greater productivity, delivering on time to the required level of quality with consistency across all Clients and performing risk management activities (module 10) throughout. Failure to do so will be disastrous, resulting in Clients lost to the competition; Clients who have much greater 'value' post Covid.

However, although the new business environment continues to evolve, the basic principles & processes of business best practice will remain, being even more important than before. 

So, the first priority will clearly be for Suppliers to retain existing Clients as well as current Prospects for new business even if they’ve been a pain to deal with in the past, damaged your profit margin or put you under unreasonable pressure - conversely, they may now be pleased to hear from you, maybe they used to take the credit for your efforts and now feel even more vulnerable.

In order for Suppliers and Clients to develop compatible business relationships, it’s absolutely vital that the Client’s culture & psyche, and the Supplier’s values & ethos, are understood and accepted by both parties. Also, if contractual obligations are being fulfilled, synergy and harmony will follow (module 3.1).

As Client organisations become more and more knowledgeable about how and what their Suppliers are delivering to them, the importance of the relationship between the two parties has become crucial in modern business. Strong and healthy business relationships and maximising financial performance & growth invariably result from adopting Account Management & Development (AM&D) best practice.

ASPIRE is that practice; the best practice for developing long term business relationships (module 6.2) and achieving the best financial results, designed for any type and size of Supplier, anywhere, including all new start-up businesses.

No matter how good a Supplier’s deliverables, services, people &/or products are, the Client (module 3.2) will eventually be lost if the relationship is not right. As for Suppliers that are new business start-ups, it’s imperative they hit the ground running and maximise their chances of converting sales opportunities (module 7.2) into orders as a matter of extreme urgency.

The way the Account Manager (module 2.1) operates with the unique and all-embracing ASPIRE will be pivotal to success regarding Client retention, increased revenue streams, higher profit margins, Client reference site status, staff retention and individual financial rewards. ASPIRE has been designed to achieve all these.

So, ASPIRE is essential for Account Managers, everywhere. It’s not a science, it’s practical common sense carefully sequenced to maximise results.

ASPIRE also provides for consistency across all Clients and Prospects which is particularly important regarding continuity of working practices when there are changes

in personnel; especially if there is a change in Account Manager.

In addition, although ASPIRE has been designed to accommodate any type and size of Supplier, it is particularly well suited to new Start-up Businesses, Recruitment & Contract Agencies, IT Companies, Consultancy Services Companies, Service Providers and Product Suppliers who provide one or more of the following:

  • people placements

  • consultancy assignments (including digital transformation)

  • services (including outsourcing & facilities management)

  • analysis, design & development

  • projects

  • support & maintenance

  • products

Although ASPIRE is primarily focused at Supplier Account Managers and senior staff, it will also be of significant help to anyone working on a Client site, at any level, in any capacity, anywhere, anytime.

In addition, ASPIRE will be invaluable to any senior Manager who needs to ensure that all Accounts they have responsibility for are managed in the most effective, productive and consistent way.

Although ASPIRE does not cover Project Management & Control or formal Sales & Negotiation, it is strongly recommended that Project Managers, Salespeople and Negotiators include ASPIRE in their 'portfolio of tools' to significantly enhance both their own and their Company's overall performance.

ASPIRE's unique offering accommodates individuals and organisations with either no experience of AM&D whatsoever or those having different levels of understanding/practice.

ASPIRE has been designed and built for immediate delivery and use. It’s a complete but concise practical working process achieved by focussed paragraphs & bullet points for easy reference and includes all components of Account Management & Development, all information requirements (module 4.2) & all essential checklists. It’s the complete 360 degree process for managing & developing any type of Client account.

ASPIRE can be used from Day 1 in its current form or be easily adapted to any working environment and does not need to be supplemented by consultants, training courses, software or books.

ASPIRE has also been designed for individuals and organisations to either work through sequentially from beginning to end or adopt a pick-&-mix approach to either add new components and/or make improvements to an existing AM&D process.

A key objective is to be able to quickly implement a basic AM&D process before moving on to the implementation of a comprehensive and robust process if the size and potential of the individual Client justifies this.

ASPIRE is also extremely flexible and therefore fit-for-purpose regarding any size of Client or Prospect, regardless of the extent of revenue-earning potential.

Because Clients and Prospects will vary considerably regarding size, maturity and actual start point, the status of each target organisation should be thoroughly evaluated before initiating an AM&D process.

Therefore, an Account Performance Review (module 5.4) should be undertaken to determine to what extent an AM&D process should operate after reviewing potential work, people & product supply in addition to revenue and profit estimates.

Also, although ASPIRE can be used for any number of individual Client Accounts, it is recommended that only one or two Clients are chosen initially. This will enable results and experiences to be analysed and your procedures refined, if appropriate, before continuing with other Clients.

The complete ASPIRE comprises 25 best practice process modules contained in 11 bundles which can be purchased individually. Alternatively, ‘Starter’ and ‘Master’ best practice process packages can be purchased (16 & 25 modules respectively) which include 2 bonus bundles. Current discounts enable substantial savings to be made, particularly regarding packages.

The ‘Starter Process Package’ has been specifically designed to accommodate new start-up businesses and small Supplier organisations.

The majority of modules also include ‘essential cross referencing’ to other key-related modules to ensure watertight coverage of specific Account Management & Development components, some of which overlap.


ASPIRE’s entire content can be used as a unique set of pick-&-mix self-training modules which don’t need to be supplemented by consultants, training courses, software or books; ASPIRE is a complete but concise practical working process for Account Managers & Suppliers everywhere (Start-Ups, Services, Products).


Finally, and most importantly, although all ASPIRE modules are essential components for successful Account Management, SWOT Analysis (5.2) is considered the most important of all and should be the first module for self-training and then implementation [overall, 300 checks/tips/questions-to-ask are provided when the module is purchased with 90 revealed on this website], everything else will then quickly fall into place.


ASPIRE Mission Statement

“As the new business world emerges, enable Account Managers & Suppliers to minimise risk in all that they do with particular focus on client retention, increased productivity & business growth”


1500 checks/tips/questions-to-ask

300 revealed on this Website

1200 available for purchase



Because ASPIRE's benchmark best practice accommodates both Clients & Prospects, 'Client' is used generically throughout to cover both types of organisation.

Also, because ASPIRE is written for different people, in different roles, at different levels and at different stages & times regarding their work responsibilities, the use of 'first, second & third person' and 'past, present & future tense' varies.

ASPIRE's author & proprietor, Richard Wright, has drawn on 35 years experience in various Industries where he built many top ten Accounts, including, from scratch, a No 1 UK Account which remained in the top position 3 years running. It took him one man year to complete ASPIRE, the results of which are destined to become the market leader in Account Management & Development best practice.


"nothing is more important than the Client relationship and understanding their culture"

Richard Wright

Ex: CMG (Computer Management Group), LogicaCMG, RSI (Radio Spectrum International), KeyPower Consultants, BTEC (Business & Technician Education Council), Post Office HQ & Local Government.

Highlights: significant growth in all major accounts before, during and after various market/national recessions in addition to integrating business operations following major acquisition and then reverse takeover.

‘ASPIRE’ (How To Manage Any Client) ™
Account Management & Development
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