
Journey - Account Development

Journey - Account Management

Route Changes

Ongoing Monitoring & Review





This module relates to planning for the Account overall and is driven by the Mission Statement, Strategy, Goals and Targets; any changes to these will have an impact as will the outcomes from Client Contact Management (6.1), Relationship Management (6.2), Sales (7.1, 7.2), Reviews & Analyses (5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 8.1, 10.1) and Satisfaction Surveys (9.1), some of which will be significant.

Planning will begin once it has been decided that a Client has sufficient revenue and profit potential to justify the time and resource needed to operate an effective Account Management process; some may be quite straightforward while others will be sophisticated.

At this point, the status/position of each individual Client/Prospect organisation will vary considerably regarding the amount of information already held and what has previously been delivered, if anything.

Once you have you gathered all the initial information required to review the Current Position (4.1), you will need to arrange an internal planning meeting to determine the way forward regarding Account Management & Development.

In addition to the Account Manager and their own manager, other meeting attendees should include sales & marketing people and, if possible, someone who has previously worked for the Client or knows the Prospect, understands the culture and may already have Client contacts/working relationships.

A sample of checks and tips is given below and a further 34 are provided when the module is purchased.


  • Overall, you must have a Mission Statement which anyone associated with the Account knows off by heart and genuinely believes in - if they don’t, find out why and convince them otherwise! It must be concise, challenging, inspiring and focussed on increasing success.

  • Following this, there must be a Strategy which is a long-term plan for business success and includes the ground rules for overall approach, programmes of activity and the desired ethos & image.

  • Also, write down your Goals and Targets for the Account - usually at the 3, 6, 12, 24 & 36 month stages. However, for large sophisticated Accounts, Short Term (1, 3, 6 months), Medium Term (12, 18 months) and Long Term (2, 3, 4, 5 years) goals & targets will apply.

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Journey - Account Development

  • Based on the information you have at this time, or lack of it, separate Action Plans will need to be prepared for every goal and target, each being broken down into individual activities/responsibilities, and then into specific actions which will be scheduled on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.

  • All plans must also have adequate contingency built in, regardless of timescale pressures, in order to accommodate the unexpected and enable flexibility.

  • As a minimum, each planned action should have 12 components including ‘dependencies’ (other actions before & after ‘this action’)

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Journey - Account Management

  • Action Plans will also need to be drawn up to cover all areas of Account Management, without exception, and must include:

  • Balanced Scorecard (Management, Financials, People, Sales & Client)

  • Risk Management (the overall account, sales & marketing, current contracts)

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Route Changes

  • Account re-planning, prompted by new information and events along the way (changing situations, poor performance, etc.) will be an ongoing process throughout the life of the business relationship with your Client and will originate

  • Re-planning will be triggered from any 1 of 12 areas including:

  • Client Satisfaction Surveys & SWOT Analyses

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Ongoing Monitoring & Review

  • Every required action should be formally logged and regularly monitored until successful conclusion or it becomes obsolete, regardless of when it was originated.

  • It’s also vital that planned areas of responsibility are incorporated into the Personal Objectives of everyone working for the Client and evaluated at Personal Performance Reviews (6.6).

  • In addition to generating new actions, changing other actions and designating some as now obsolete, it should be noted that Route Changes may also affect the Goals & Targets, Strategy and even the Mission Statement itself. Indeed, newly acquired information may be so significant that it is decided to suspend, or even discontinue altogether, the Account Management process for a particular Client.







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