

Essential Module Cross Reference

total checks & tips: 65


Client Contact Management (CCM) is an essential component of Account Management, without it the whole process will either fail completely and your Company is eventually replaced by a Competitor or, as a minimum, result in significant loss of revenue & profit.

Although such drastic outcomes do not happen overnight, they may appear to! This is because a Supplier has not been aware of a gradually changing business climate which it could (and should) have adjusted to. In addition, vital sales opportunities will have been missed. All this because a system of CCM was not operated properly or maybe not even at all.

This module therefore details the process & protocols to follow in order to achieve comprehensive, effective and consistent CCM. However, because certain other modules (particularly Relationship Management [6.2], Personal Appearance & Manner [6.3] and Personal Conduct & Practice [6.4]) are closely related due to the very similar aspects of the 'Client interface', and inevitably overlap, various generic protocols have been brought together under Generic Client Interface [6.5] to avoid unnecessary duplication.

Although CCM is primarily a fundamental process for all Account Managers and senior staff, anyone representing the Supplier who has direct contact with the Client (at any level) must be aware of the content to ensure continuity.

A sample of checks and tips is given below and a further 54 are provided when the module is purchased.

Essential cross references to other key-related modules are also given to ensure watertight coverage of the Client.


  • various Client individuals at all levels and in many, if not all, areas should be identified, highlighted/colour-coded on Client Organisation Charts and visits planned over an appropriate period of time by suitable representatives from your Company. Once contacted, the individual should be highlighted/colour-coded differently on the appropriate Client Organisation Chart. A map of Client contact activity will then be gradually built up for the whole organisation and maintained indefinitely

  • you will also need to nominate a very senior sponsor from your own Company (Board Member or Director). While this looks impressive and shows top level commitment, your senior person can be brought in at key times (eg. closing an order/signing a contract, putting senior Client minds at rest, major problem solving, etc.)

  • in addition to any outstanding information which may be required for the Account File, you and your colleagues should always be on the look out for sales leads and also endorse your Company's credentials & ethos whenever possible

  • because of these key activities, everyone representing your Company should be briefed at regular intervals on your Company's sales propositions & capability, and reminded that these can be tailored to fit the Client’s specific needs. They will also need to be briefed and objectives agreed before each planned contact

  • many meetings/conversations with the Client will not be planned, occurring purely by chance. In view of this, you and your colleagues should always maintain a set of questions/discussion topics (tablet, mobile phone, organiser, briefcase, etc.) which should be memorised as far as possible

  • these questions/discussion topics should be reviewed on a regular basis and everyone kept on their toes - so test them (unannounced tests/role play). One piece of information acquired informally in the car park, pub or corridor may prove invaluable in the longer term and result in extensive revenue/profit for your Company

    36 more available


  • identify the key players at every level and believe me, there will be key players at the lower levels. These lower levels will inevitably contain an eventual rising star or two, or someone who's close to someone senior, or someone who mixes in important circles because they're good at sport or they're just very good socially

  • establish the hierarchies and protocols of the Client organisation, particularly when working on site. Ensure all people representing your Company (including associates, consultants & contractors you may be using) adhere to the protocols, working practices and disciplines of your Client - there can be no exceptions to this

  • cultivate/groom your Client contacts at every level. Account Managers have a double role here ie; managing & developing the Account while 'being one of them' (Client side). You'll need to 'go into role' but not make it obvious - you must appear genuine at all times to all people. Initially, this will require much thought, time & effort but it will pay off in the long run when you naturally fall into role at the required time with the minimum of effort, producing invaluable results

  • ask different Client people to explain their mission statement(s) and strategy(ies) to you. Get them to tell you about major events, progress and personal achievements since they have been working there (good & bad) - understand these fully and refer to them when appropriate, you really will impress!

  • from the outset of the business relationship, strive for a two-way knowledge transfer, invite the Client contact to briefings if appropriate, hold events on their site and attend briefings & presentations given by the Client wherever possible (for knowledge, relationship building & making a good impression)

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Essential Module Cross Reference - Inputs

Essential Module Cross Reference - Actions




‘ASPIRE’ (How To Manage Any Client) ™
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