……. practical easy-to-implement best practice for client retention, long-term business relationships, risk management, improved productivity, higher profit margins, competition blocking, increased sales ……….

Mission Statement

“As the new business world emerges, enable Account Managers & Suppliers to minimise risk in all that they do with particular focus on client retention, increased productivity & business growth”

how to exceed business expectations, time & Time AGAIN, for:

  • Account Managers

  • New Business Start-Ups

  • Recruitment & Contract Agencies

  • IT Companies

  • Consultancy Services Companies

  • Service Providers

  • Product Suppliers

****** 1500 checks & tips ******

OVER 300 provided free on this Website

1200 more available for purchase




features & benefits



MASTER Process: 25 modules

STARTER Process: 16 modules

STARTER-to-MASTER Top-up: 9 modules

If you’re feeling a little daunted at the extent of ‘ASPIRE’ and unsure where to start, SWOT Analysis (5.2) is by far the most important module and should be the first for self-training and then implementation, everything else will then quickly fall into place - just 1 or 2 modules can turbo charge your business


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‘ASPIRE’ (How To Manage Any Client) ™
Account Management & Development
© Copyright 2019
All Rights Reserved

Founder, Owner & Managing Director:

RICHARD WRIGHT ex CMG[Computer Management Group], LogicaCMG, Government, Post, Education & Recruitment

passionate about enabling businesses to develop long-term revenue, increased productivity & margin, people networks, trust & pride

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